Empowering Autistic Individuals

Supportive guidance for individuals and families

There needs to be more emphasis on what a child can do instead of what they can’t do.”

—Temple Grandin

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Far too often, families are given a diagnosis without a roadmap or tools. I am a dedicated Autism Consultant offering personalized services to help parents develop a plan and connect with resources to help their child thrive.

From the time Autism becomes part of your family’s life, and as your family identity develops over time, I am here to help you navigate this world of intense challenges and beautiful experiences, whether it’s through coaching the family or by guiding the Autistic individual directly.

My Services

  • Family Coaching

    Each family’s needs are multifaceted and are often dependent on its members, personalities and schedules. We’ll create a plan to support your child’s needs with the family in mind.

  • Self-Regulation and Emotional Guidance

    Self-awareness guides behavior. We’ll explore how your child processes information and lead them towards self-reflection.

  • Social Skills Development

    This is the hidden curriculum. It’s so elusive that autistic individuals have difficulty initiating and sustaining conversations and friendships. They need help learning explicit strategies.

  • Sensory Processing Support

    A thoughtful, consistent and established sensory diet will help your child stay regulated when feeling overwhelmed.

  • Communication Strategies

    Communication is multi-layered and can be verbal or nonverbal. Let’s talk through your child’s current communication style and where you want them to be.

  • IEP Collaboration

    Your child’s IEP is THE most important document when it comes to accessing supports in public schools and can be used to help guide supports in private schools. The IEP process does not need to be a contentious one.

  • Executive Functioning Toolkit

    There are 8 areas of Executive Functioning. They need to work in tandem and be practiced from a young age to ensure your child is equipped to negotiate life’s challenges now and into adulthood.

  • Life Skills Assistance

    Daily life has innumerable nuanced components that autistic individuals find overwhelming. We can find your child’s starting point and teach the necessary skills to help them practice early in life to ensure they can be autonomous, independent adults.

  • Academic and Vocational Recommendations

    Academic and vocational success give parents peace of mind for their child’s future. You may be reevaluating the fit of your child’s current school, need assistance helping your child understand their schoolwork or finds a suitable career path. We can discuss all the options.


Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN):


Self-Determination for Transitional Youth: https://www.ggrc.org/services/self-determination

How To Parent Like An Autistic

by K. Bron Johnson: https://parentlikeanautistic.com/

We’re Not Broken

by Eric Garcia